Issue 2 Contributors

Piya Chatterjee is an Associate Professor of the College of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences and Women’s Studies at University of California, Riverside.  She holds a Ph.D. in anthropology from the University of Chicago.  Her research interests include international women’s movements particularly in the global south and labour politics; AIDS and women’s organising in Central Africa and India; colonialism; history and feminist ethnographic writing.  Her publications include a wide array of journal articles and A Time for Tea: Women, Labor, and Post/Colonial Politics on an Indian Plantation (2001).

Michael C. Coleman  is a professor, semi-retired, in the Department of Languages (English), at the  University of Jyväskylä, Finland. He received his BA (1970) and his Higher Diploma in Education (1981) from University College Dublin, and his PhD in American History (1977) from the University of Pennsylvania. He has published American Indians, the Irish, and Government Schooling: A Comparative Study (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2007), based partly on research in Ireland as a Senior Fellow of the Academy of Finland (1996-97); American Indian Children at School, 1850-1930 (Jackson: University Press of Mississippi Press, 1993), andPresbyterian Missionary Attitudes Toward American Indians, 1837-1893 (Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 1985). His research has been published in academic books and journals, especially in the United States, but also in Canada, Scandinavia, Ireland, England, and Poland. He is a dual citizen of Ireland and Finland.

Cecilia Donohue, MBA, PhD, is Professor and Chair of the Department of Language & Literature at Madonna University in Livonia, Michigan, USA. She holds Master of Arts and Doctor of Philosophy Degrees in English from Kent State University in Ohio USA, as well as a Master of Business Administration from St. John’s University in New York City. Her fields of expertise are: American Literature; Literature of the American South; Cinema Studies; Popular Culture; Sports Fiction; and Business and Professional Writing.

Hannah Durkin is a PhD student in the School of American and Canadian Studies at the University of Nottingham. Her research focuses on constructions of African diasporic identities in mid-twentieth century dance and cinema, and she is writing her doctoral thesis on the film careers and writings of African American performers Josephine Baker and Katherine Dunham.

Daniel Geary is the Mark Pigott lecturer in U.S. History at Trinity College.  He is the author ofRadical Ambition: C. Wright Mills, the Left, and American Social Thought (2009).

Gillian Groszewski completed her Masters thesis in Trinity College Dublin, Ireland, in 2009 on the topic of Robert Lowell’s elegiac poetry. She is currently a PhD candidate at Trinity College Dublin considering the influence of American poetry and poets on the works of Ted Hughes.

Adam Kelly is a PhD Candidate and IRCHSS Government of Ireland Scholar at University College Dublin, where he is currently completing a dissertation entitled “Moments of Decision in Contemporary American Fiction.” His articles on contemporary fiction and theory have appeared or are forthcoming in the journals CritiquePhilip Roth Studies, and Phrasis, and in the collectionConsider David Foster Wallace: Critical Essays.

Áine Kelly submitted her doctoral thesis to the University of Nottingham in 2009. Her next project is based on the aesthetics of the American philosopher, Stanley Cavell. She currently works for the University of Edinburgh.

Perry Link is the Chancellorial Chair for Innovative Teaching, Comparative Literature and Foreign Languages for the College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences at University of California, Riverside, and Emeritus Professor of East Asian Studies at Princeton University.  He received both his B.A and Ph.D. from Harvard. Link’s publications include Evening Chats in Beijing (1994) andThe Uses of Literature: Life in the Socialist Chinese Literary System (2000). He co-edited the infamous Tiananmen Papers (2002) and translated the Charter 08 manifesto in January 2009.

Eric Lott is Professor of American Studies and Cultural Studies in the Department of English at the University of Virginia.  He received his B.A. from the University of Missouri and his M.A. and Ph.D. from Columbia.  His publications include Tangled Up in Blue: The Cultural Contradictions of American Racism (Forthcoming), The Disappearing Liberal Intellectual (2006) and Love and Theft: Blackface Minstrelsy and the American Working Class (1993; paperback, 1995) which won the MLA Best First Book Prize in 1994 and the Myers Center for Human Rights Book Award.  Lott’s writings have appeared in numerous publications, such as Village VoiceThe NationTransition, and American Quarterly.

Tim Morris is a Professor of English at the University of Texas at Arlington and holds a B.A. from Michigan State University and a Ph.D. from Princeton.  He is the author of Becoming Canonical in American Poetry(1995), winner of a Choice Outstanding Academic Book for 1996, Making the Team: The Cultural Work of Baseball Fiction (1997), and You’re Only Young Twice: Children’s Literature and Film (2000).

Heather Neilson has taught in the English program at UNSW@ADFA since 1995. She previously taught at the University of Sydney and the University of Western Australia. From 1998 to 2002, she was President of the Australian and New Zealand American Studies Association. From July 2002 to July 2005, she was the Australasian representative on the International Committee of the (US-based) American Studies Association. She has been on the editorial board of the Australasian Journal of American Studies since 1996.  Publications include book chapters in Impossible Selves: Readings of Cultural Identity (eds. Jacqueline Lo, et al) and Interactions (eds. Dennis Haskell and Ron Shapiro).

Melanie Otto has been lecturer in English at Trinity College Dublin since 2003, where she teaches and researches in the areas of postcolonial literatures, Caribbean writing, and literatures of the Americas.

Justin Quinn is Associate Professor at the Charles University, Prague. He has published two studies of 20th-century American poetry, and one of Irish poetry.

Margaret Robson studied at The University of London, Goldsmiths’ College and The University of York. She has taught at universities in England, Wales and the Republic of Ireland. She lives in Dublin.

Marisa Ronan is Postdoctoral Fellow at the Clinton Institute for American Studies, University College Dublin. As a recipient of the Irish Research Council for the Humanities and Social Science scholarship she completed her PhD on an intellectual and literary history of evangelicalism in America. She is currently writing a monograph entitled Evangelical Literature in America: From the Pulpit to Postmodernism.

Peter Rooney received a Bachelor of Arts in English from Boston College and a Masters degree from Duquesne University. In 1997 he moved to Dublin and received dual-citizenship. He has held several teaching posts, including a nine-year lecturing position at the Irish American University. He is currently working on a  PhD at University College Cork.

Alex Runchman is in his second year of a PhD on the American writer Delmore Schwartz at Trinity College Dublin. Other publications include an essay on John Berryman, Robert Lowell and the American Sonnet in “After Thirty Falls”: New Essays on John Berryman (ed. Philip Coleman and Philip McGowan) and an essay on Schwartz and Education in POST II. He is a member of the IAAS.

Mark Sweetnam is a research fellow in the School of Language and Literature at the University of Aberdeen. His main research interests lie in the area of literature and theology, especially in the Early Modern period. He is also interested in evangelical popular culture and millennialism, and has published widely on the origins of dispensationalism.

Louise Walsh is a third year PhD student in the Clinton Institute of American Studies at University College Dublin.  She received her B.A. and M.A. from University College Cork.  Her research interests centre on a comparison of the literature of the Harlem and Irish Renaissances.  She is an IRCHSS Postgraduate Scholar and an Ad Astra Scholar.  She is the IAAS Postgraduate Caucus Co-Chair and the Co-Chair of the Literature and Culture Panels for the Transatlantic Studies Association Conference.  She is currently co-editing a collection of essays tentatively entitled The American Matrix: Identity Formations and Deformations.